Mobile recipe apps

Recipe Apps

Mobile recipe apps for chefs and food bloggers.

If you're a chef, food blogger or content creator with recipes to share, you can easily monetize your recipes with our powerful recipe app system.

Scoop already works with popular chef and author "The Curry Guy", and we're now looking for additional partners to take advantage of the unique opportunity this technology provides.

A proven recipe mobile app system for iOS and Android with NO COST to you

Recipe App Features:

  • Ability for you to add free recipes, and premium recipes for subscribers.
  • Create and manage your own categories and sub-categories.
  • Recipes include ingredients, method and  step-by-step instructions (with images for each step if you have them).
  • Users can add recipes to their own favourites section within the app.
  • The app includes search functionality.
Recipe App Features

Why you need a mobile recipe app

How does it work?

  1. Use our online system to upload your recipes.
  2. We design a bespoke interface tailored to your branding and publish the app to the Apple App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android). 
  3. Users can download your app free and access a limited number of recipes, they then pay either a subscription or lifetime purchase to unlock more premium recipe content.
  4. You can release content updates via our online system, offering ongoing value to subscribers.
  5. Track your sales with an advanced analytics package.

Curry Guy Recipe App

See it in action:

We're already working with successful UK author and blogger "The Curry Guy", the app has received over 100,000 downloads and regularly appears in the top 10 UK food and drink apps.

Check out the Curry Guy app here


Next Steps?

Please call 01305 580360 or get in touch here to discuss this unique opportunity further.